Different Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Type 1
This disorder was originally called manic depression. With bipolar 1, a person has the most extreme mood swings. Manic symptoms are recklessness and hyperactivity, while depressive symptoms are sadness and lack of energy.
Bipolar Type 2
This is a less severe form of bipolar 1. The depressive symptoms of hopelessness and lethargy are still present, but there is hypomania instead of mania. Hypomania is a mild form of mania with less intense feelings.
This is a mild version of bipolar type 1. The depressive and manic episodes have less intense emotions and behaviors.
Mixed Episode Bipolar
In some instances, a person has the symptoms of both mania and depression simultaneously. A person is hyperactive but also feels hopeless.
Rapid Cycling Bipolar
In rapid cycling, a person quickly alternates from symptoms of mania to symptoms of depression. In other mood disorders, each phases lasts weeks, but with rapid cycling, the duration is from hours to a few days.