Bipolar Symptoms in Teens
In a manic episode, a teen feels euphoric, has high self-esteem and feels he can accomplish anything. He may also have more energy and be more prone to reckless behavior, such as driving fast or experimenting with drugs or alcohol.
With depression, a teen feels hopeless and worthless. She is angry, sleeps and eats too much or too little, and may have thoughts of ending her life.
Hypomania is a symptom of bipolar 2, a less severe mood disorder that does not have the extreme highs of mania. A teen may feel optimistic, but he is still able to function as usual.
Mixed Episodes
With some teens, they have the symptoms of mania or hypomania and depression simultaneously. During this period, a teen feels energetic but also hopeless and irritated.
Rapid Cycling
In rapid swinging or cycling, a teen quickly alternates from manic symptoms to depressive symptoms and back again. Each phase can last a few hours or one to two days.