Definition of Bipolar Disease
Bipolar disorder is marked by a cyclical pattern of emotional extremes. Patients go from energetic highs to depressed lows, often with no attributable cause for the mood swing.
A trained mental health expert can identify bipolar disorder and recommend ways to treat it. If left untreated, it can cause considerable social disruption, problems at work and even suicidal thoughts.
Bipolar disorder is sometimes misdiagnosed as depression because the patient only comes to see the doctor during the "low" period of his cycle. The doctor thus misses the manic phase that may indicate a bipolar condition.
Medication to treat bipolar disorder includes antidepressants, mood stabilizers and anti-seizure drugs. Psychotherapy is also an important part of bipolar treatment.
Long Term Implications
Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and requires regular treatment on an ongoing basis. The good news is that, with treatment, its impact on your life can be minimized.