How to Live With a Bipolar Spouse
There are several different types of bipolar disorder, but this article addresses the most prevalent type, known as bipolar 1 disorder.
Understand the symptoms. Bipolar disorder is identified by the presence of both depressive episodes and manic episodes.
Recognize a depressive episode. Your spouse may have the following symptoms: feelings of sadness that last for more than 2 weeks, worthlessness, an inability to concentrate, a loss of pleasure in most activities, significant changes in appetite or sleep patterns and thoughts of suicide.
Recognize a manic episode. Your spouse may feel a period of elevated or irritable moods lasting longer than 1 week, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, excessive involvement in pleasure-seeking or high-risk behaviors like gambling or sexual promiscuity, and distractibility.
Seek help for your spouse. Many times bipolar disorder is so debilitating, your spouse may be unable to ask for help. Isolation during the depressive episodes can occur as well as embarrassment or denial that she is suffering with these symptoms. Your spouse may try to push you away. Irrational behavior during the manic episode may be frustrating for you and your spouse and may lead her to want to avoid the entire situation.
Encourage your spouse to seek professional help. Offer to set up the appointment with a counselor and a psychiatrist to have a medical evaluation done. Bipolar disorder almost always requires the use of medications to treat, so it is important to schedule these appointments as soon as you are aware of the problem.
Participate with your spouse in his recovery. Although you may feel frustrated and not understand why your spouse is behaving in such an irrational and irresponsible way, it is important to be involved in his treatment.
Help your spouse monitor her medications, attend counseling sessions with your spouse and attend support groups for spouses dealing with a bipolar partner. Work with your spouse to utilize therapeutic activities designed to treat bipolar disorder.
Educate yourself. Understanding bipolar disorder and the effects it has on your spouse is important. Ask questions, visit reliable websites dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of depression like the ones listed below and become familiar with the medications your spouse is taking. Report any concerns you may have to his physician. Don't be afraid to get involved.
Be patient. The treatment of bipolar disorder is a process and may take a while. Be supportive and be there to encourage your spouse. If you become concerned that your spouse may hurt herself, contact her doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital .