How to Treat a Bipolar Disorder Without Medicine
Things You'll Need
- Music and sound therapy
- Selenium supplements
- Color therapy
Eliminate things in your diet that may contribute to or trigger symptoms of bipolar disorder. Avoid aspertame products, wheat products, fatty foods, fried foods, sugary foods, processed foods, junk food, caffeine and alcohol. Instead, eat healthier food, like fruits, vegetables, brown rice, turkey, salmon and whole grains.
Give music and sound therapy a try. Just listening to certain music and sounds can have a calming effect and soothe symptoms of bipolar disorder. If you can't find a qualified music therapist in your area, then you can go to your local music store to find CDs that have relaxing sounds and music. Some calming sounds include birds chirping, running waterfalls, gentle breezes and ocean sounds. You can also find CDs that have soft, slow calming music you can play to ease feelings of anxiety or melancholy.
Try supplementing with the trace mineral selenium to help diminish your distress. It can raise your serotonin levels and lift your mood. Check with your doctor before taking this supplement if you are taking aspirin, blood thinners, barbiturates, NSAIDS or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Selenium should never be taken in large amounts, as it is can be toxic.
Consider the use of color therapy to aid in treating bipolar disorder. Colors can affect the mood. For example, the colors green,violet, pink and blue have a peaceful, soothing effect on your mind. Surround yourself with things in these colors in your home or wear clothes in any of these colors to work to keep you calm and emotionally balanced.
Get exercise on a regular basis. When you work out, your mood is elevated, since endorphins are released, meaning that you feel more cheerful. Take a walk three to five days a week. Do aerobics. Do strength training. Do anything that involves your getting physically active.