Symptoms of Bipolar Anxiety
Most people with a bipolar anxiety disorder will predominately lean towards a more depressive state. They will experience episodes of sadness, hopelessness and despondency.
Another fairly common symptom of a bipolar anxiety disorder involves some level of irritability, meaning it will take less to affect a person's mood than would normally. This irritability may also bring about extreme impatience and mood swings.
Many people suffering from a bipolar anxiety disorder also undergo episodes of restlessness. This restlessness may even begin to affect their sleep, manifesting as insomnia.
A person with a bipolar anxiety disorder may suffer from bouts of apathy. This would manifest as a lack of interest, indifference or even boredom with day-to-day life.
Some people with a bipolar anxiety disorder can suffer from periods of extreme, sometimes overwhelming guilt. Most of the time, it will be over things of little or no consequence.
Stomach Problems
Many people dealing with a bipolar anxiety disorder also experience symptoms involving their stomachs, manifesting as diarrhea and upset stomach. Sometimes, it may also elicit abdominal cramping.
This particular symptom essentially involves a physical discomfort or pain for no known reason. It may also come about as moderate to severe headaches.