Vitamins for Bipolar Disorder
Some vitamins work to directly decrease certain symptoms associated with bipolar disorder, such as mood instability, insomnia and anxiety, while others improve the absorption rate of prescribed medications or reduce the side effects associated with those medications.
The B vitamins have shown to be the most effective for bipolar disorder, especially B6, B12 and folic acid, which is essential for manufacturing the neurotransmitters that regulate sleep and mood.
Vitamins for bipolar disorder not only result in less frequent and severe episodes for some people, but they also may improve the effectiveness of other treatments without causing additional side effects.
Side Effects
When taken is high doses, folic acid may result in mania or counteract the mood-stabilizing effects of some bipolar medications.
Bipolar disorder is a serious condition, and those suffering from it should not modify or discontinue their current treatment plan without first consulting a psychiatrist.