Difference Between Bipolar 1 & Bipolar 2
Depressive Episodes
A Bipolar 1 diagnosis does not require a history of any depressive episode (symptoms similar to clinical depression). A Bipolar 2 diagnosis requires at least one depressive episode in the life of the patient.
Manic Episodes
To be diagnosed with Bipolar 1, you need to have had at least one full-blown manic episode, including symptoms of increased energy, outgoingness and eventually paranoia. People who have Bipolar 2 do not have full manic episodes. Instead, they have hypomanic episodes that lack hallucinations and paranoia.
Mixed Episodes
A mixed episode includes symptoms from both manic and depressive episodes. Bipolar 1 patients can have these episodes; Bipolar 2 patients do not have mixed episodes.
Episode Frequency
People who have Bipolar 1 usually have only one manic or depressive episode per year if the condition is left untreated. People who have Bipolar 2 can have up to four episodes annually, on average.
Suicide Risk
One similarity is the risk of attempting suicide. One-fourth of people who have some type of bipolar disorder that is not being treated will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. About 15% of patients are successful.