Natural Medicine for Bipolarity
Alternative Medicine
Many people with bipolarity turn to alternative medicine, or natural medicines, for relief. Natural medicines can be used for improving mood, lessening stress and dealing with symptoms. One common alternative treatment for bipolarity is taking vitamin supplements (selenium, omega 3, vitamin B1 and vitamin B5, to name a few). Spiritual healing, prayer and meditation practices like the "mindfulness" techniques are mood stabilizers that are great for dealing with bipolarity. Meditation Yoga is also extremely helpful for calming and relaxing the mind and thoughts. Common herbal medicines for helping bipolarity include chamomile tea, St. John's Wort, passion flower and black tea. All of these natural remedies (whether taken as teas or in supplement form) can help soothe and alleviate some of the symptoms of bipolarity.
Vitamin C
Getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin C is another helpful natural treatment for dealing with bipolar disorder. This is because Vitamin C helps reduce the body's Vanadium and this, according to PeaceHealth Organization, has proven to be very successful in helping bipolar patients (particular those coping with depression, rather than mania) in dealing with and improving their moods.
Fish Oil
Fish oil (full of beneficial Omega 3 Fatty Acids) is a great nutritional supplement for those suffering from bipolar disorder. According to PeaceHealth Organization, bipolar patients who took 9.6 grams of fatty acids along with their conventional medication showed significant advantages regarding progress with bipolarity compared to those who did not take the fatty acids.
Before you start using any natural medicines, it is important to consult your doctor about what you plan on taking. Even natural medicines are capable of causing negative side effects or contraindications with the traditional prescribed medication that you might be taking.
A lot of people like to take alternative medicines as complementary, additional treatments to their traditional bipolar disorder medication. If you are doing this, you should be sure not to skip taking your regular prescribed medication or avoid any therapy sessions you might have scheduled. Natural medicines are complements to conventional medication, and should be used merely as an additional option.