How to Cope With Borderline Personality Disorder Parents
Research the disorder to get as much information as you can. Go with your parent to her doctor's appointments so that you can ask any questions that you may have. Trying to understand Borderline Personality disorder and what it can do is the first step to coping with it.
Seek any additional counseling that you may need yourself. Dealing with Borderline personality can often be like a roller-coaster ride and can sometimes add stress to your life. Speak with a counselor about any feelings that you may be dealing with.
Understand that what your parent is going through is not your fault. They may say things that they don't mean or have sudden moodswings.
Be as supportive as you can for your parent. He may be experiencing feelings and moodswings that he may not even understand himself. Keep a close eye on his prescriptions and stay in close touch with the doctor. Talk to the doctor about increasing or decreasing any medication that you feel might be helpful to your parent.
Find time away for yourself. You will need to go out and re-energize yourself to relieve any stress that you are dealing with. It isn't easy dealing with this disorder, but it can be manageable. If you feel like you are on edge, take time out to leave and go somewhere quiet or a place to relieve stress.
Accept help from friends, other family members, or your church. Do not push others away. Any additional help that you can receive for caring for your parent, extra chores, or just small tasks will be a relief to you.