How to Take Abilify
Things You'll Need
- Knowlegable psychiatrist
- Internet access
Follow your doctor's dosage instruction precisely. Most likely you will be started at a fairly low dose and increase the dose slowly until you reach tolerance. Increasing or decreasing a dose is known as titrating up, or titrating down, the medication.
Educate yourself as best you can on the medication. This goes for any prescription drug, but particularlywith medications that strongly affect mood and mental health. Think of yourself as partnering with your doctor as part of a treatment team, instead of just "doing what you are told." The manufacturer's Abilify website listed in Resources below. You'll find review sites and online communities where you can learn and share experience with other users.
Try to eat healthfully and get exercise. Abilify can cause insomnia, and by avoiding excess caffeine and sugar, and getting sufficient exercise you may have an easier time sleeping through the night. If the insomnia is persistent and troublesome, talk to your doctor about an adjunct medication to help you sleep when you really need it. Some people gain weight on Abilify so eating right and getting exercise will help with that as well.
Don't get scared by the list of possible side effects for medications like these. Many of the side effects happen in less than one percent of study subjects. The most common ones are insomnia, restless leg syndrome or feeling "twitchy" and restless, intolerance to heat and cold, and drowsiness during the day. Some people experience stomach upset or constipation at first. Many of the side effects go away as your body gets used to the medication.
Call your doctor if you get a rash or start itching, start having heart palpitations, muscle spasms or any other symptom that is unusual for you.
Do not drink alcohol or take illegal drugs while on Abilify. The medication can both increase or change the effect alcohol and drugs normally have and you can get yourself in trouble. Also consult your doctor if you are planning on taking over the counter medications or supplements. Many other meds are contraindicated with Abilify and not all are safe.
Be aware you may be more sensitive to both heat and cold while taking Abilify. Dress in layers, stay hydrated and be careful of overexertion in high temperatures.
Some people find their thinking clarity, concentration and memory is greatly improved on Abilify, while others experience mental confusion, loss of memory and inability to concentrate. Like most psychotropic medications, the effects can be quite different for different people. Even if your next medication review appointment with your doctor is weeks away, don't be shy about calling her up if the side effects are intolerable. If you feel you are not being taken seriously, either find another doctor or talk to a therapist to gauge whether you are being overly needy.