Teenagers and Computer Addiction
According to "Addiction Treatment Magazine," this addiction was formally recognized as a disorder in 2003 by the American Psychological Association. The term describes teenagers who use the computer compulsively and excessively and continue to use them, despite the problems it causes. Addicts reach a state of euphoria while using it, called achieving a high. In 2008, the addiction also became an official diagnosis in China. Chinese doctors say that computer addicts are people who use the computer for six hours or more a day, and have shown at least one symptom of addiction. These symptoms include mental or physical distress, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating and having urges to get back on the computer.
One sign of computer addiction is withdrawing from social activities, friends or family to spend more time on the computer. The time they spend online may increase. When asked about their addictive computer habits, teenagers make excuses for their behavior or deny having a problem. They are prone to angry outbursts, especially when they're away from the computer. Physically, their eyes may look bloodshot and they may look sleep-deprived. It isn't uncommon for teenagers to suffer from constant fatigue or tiredness, due to their addiction.
Risk Factors
Teenagers suffering from emotional problems, other addictions or a lack of social support are more likely to develop a computer addiction. According to HelpGuide.org, teenagers who are addicted to the Internet also have other addictions, such as drugs, sex, gambling or alcohol. Emotional issues, such as depression or anxiety, are also prevalent in teenagers who overuse the computer. Using the computer distracts them from feeling sad, anxious or stressed out.
Specific Addictions
Computer addiction can also develop into Internet video gaming addiction. Teenagers with this addiction cannot control the amount of time they spend playing games, make excuses for playing more and become preoccupied with Internet games even when they're not playing them. According to TechAddiction.ca, they may play for more than eight hours at a time. Like computer addiction, Internet video game addicts neglect other areas of their lives in favor of gaming more. Homework, personal hygiene or personal relationships may suffer. Boys are more likely to develop this addiction.
Cognitive behavioral therapy with a licensed therapist can help teenagers overcome their addiction. Therapists help them change their behaviors and urges. Therapy is also used to address the emotional problems that can occur with this addiction, including depression or anxiety.