How to Stop Hoarding Possessions
Create rules for yourself regarding the handling of your possessions, and stick to them. Touch an item only once when organizing or putting things away. Allow yourself to pick something up, put it where it goes and then leave it alone. Don't allow yourself to go back to it, or you may end up in the endless cycle of not deciding what to do with your items that afflicts hoarders.
Analyze why you need the possessions you think you need. Fulfill those needs with activities instead of possessions. For instance, if you buy and hoard books because you are scared you will need to look something up and not have the right book at hand, start going to the library instead.
Start by clearing out one area at a time, and set goals when going through your possessions. Start on something small, such as a single cupboard, and work until you've cleared it of all but the necessary items. Move on to the next space only when you're ready, and recognize each area conquered as a victory.
Make throwing things away an entertaining rather than torturous experience. Combine the act of sorting through your possessions with an activity that you enjoy, such as watching TV, to make the process less painful.
Recognize hoarding that is getting out of control, and seek help if you have reached the level where moving through your house is difficult or if cleanliness is becoming an issue. Talk to your doctor about a referral to a mental health professional. Get treatment for your compulsion that may include medication or therapy, as such assistance can help enable people to make changes that otherwise may be impossible in the face of obsessive compulsions.