How do you leave a sociopath?

1. Plan your exit carefully.

> - Gather any important documents and belongings.

>- Make copies of important documents, such as your passport, driver's license, and birth certificate.

>- Open a new bank account and transfer your money.

>- Find a safe place to stay, such as a friend's house or a domestic violence shelter.

2. Tell someone you trust.

>-Let a friend, family member, or therapist know what you are planning to do. They can provide support and help you stay safe.

3. Leave when the sociopath is not home.

>- If the sociopath is unpredictable or violent, it may not be safe to leave while they are home. Make sure to have a plan in place to leave quickly and safely.

4. Cut off all contact.

>- Once you have left, it is important to cut off all contact with the sociopath. This means avoiding them in person, on the phone, and online.

>- Do not respond to any of their messages or calls.

>-Block them on social media.

5. Seek professional help.

>-Leaving a sociopath can be traumatic. It is important to seek professional help to process the experience and develop coping mechanisms.

6. Give yourself time.

>- It takes time to heal from the experience of being in a relationship with a sociopath. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grieve the loss of the relationship.

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