Why should you keep living?

Reasons why you should keep living:

- You are loved and valued by others. Friends and family care about you and want you in their lives. They could also be deeply affected by your death.

- You have the potential to make a positive impact on the world. Your unique thoughts and experiences can make a difference. You might make someone laugh, be there for someone in need, or come up with a creative solution to a problem.

- There is still so much to experience in life. You might never know what incredible moments await, like falling in love, having a child, or travelling the world. Every moment is a chance to learn something new and grow as a person.

- You are worthy of happiness and peace. Everyone deserves a chance to be happy and feel fulfilled. While life is challenging at times, there is always hope for better days.

- Even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of light. Even if you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or another difficult situation, there is always a reason to keep fighting. Things can get better, and there are people who want to help you.

- You are a survivor. You have already faced and overcome many obstacles in your life. You are stronger than you think, and you can keep moving forward.

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