What are behavioral interdependence need fulfillment emotional attachment and availability?

Behavioral interdependence:

Behavioral interdependence refers to the extent to which the behaviors of individuals in a group or relationship affect and are affected by the behaviors of others.

- It involves the reciprocal influence of individuals' actions and reactions within the group, creating a dynamic system of interactive behavior patterns.

- Behavioral interdependence can manifest in various forms, such as cooperation, competition, collaboration, conflict, or support among group members.

Need fulfillment:

Need fulfillment refers to the satisfaction or gratification of an individual's needs and wants.

- In interpersonal relationships, need fulfillment involves the extent to which a person's needs are met through interactions and exchanges with others.

- This includes the fulfillment of basic needs (e.g., physical and emotional well-being, safety, security) as well as higher-level needs (e.g., belonging, esteem, self-actualization).

- Need fulfillment can contribute to feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and well-being in relationships.

Emotional attachment:

Emotional attachment refers to the deep and enduring bond formed between individuals based on emotional closeness and connection.

- Emotional attachment involves feelings of love, affection, trust, and commitment towards another person.

- It is characterized by a strong emotional connection that creates a sense of interdependence between individuals and motivates them to maintain the relationship.

- Emotional attachment plays a crucial role in developing intimate and lasting relationships.


Availability refers to the extent to which an individual is accessible, responsive, and present for another person in a relationship.

- It involves being emotionally, psychologically, and physically available to meet the needs, provide support, and engage in interactions with others.

- Availability contributes to feelings of security, trust, and closeness within relationships.

- When individuals feel that their partner is consistently available, it fosters a sense of reliability, dependability, and comfort in the relationship.

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