How to Detect Demons in Your Life
Make a note of each time throughout the day that you feel strong negative emotions. As a negative emotion surfaces, your body releases cortisol, which causes your heart rate to elevate and your skin to flush. Each person has a slightly different physical reaction to stress, but with practice the physical signs of a stress reaction can be recognized in enough time to take steps to prevent an emotional meltdown.
Record your emotional highs and lows at the end of each day in a journal. Chart patterns or rhythms to your emotional cycles and note the events that corresponded to negative emotions.
Practice guided visualization, a meditation technique where a person imagines a scene which provides a feeling of peace. Sit in a quiet, comfortable space. Picture a comfortable place in your mind. Imagine the smells, sounds and temperature. Guided visualization can be used to upset the arousal cycle of a stress reaction.
Breathe deeply when you detect the emotional triggers that indicate the presence of a demon. As you breathe in, visualize your strength growing. As you breathe out, feel yourself releasing the negative emotion.