Techniques for Overcoming Fear of Baseball
Facing the Fear
A phobic is aware of the irrationality of his fear. This implies that a phobic has the reason and awareness to confront the fear head on. He is able to confront his fear slowly, in small steps. The phobic begins by keeping a baseball in full view that he is able to see everyday. The next step is to practice tossing the ball the up in the air and catching it again. Steps progress until the phobic is able to throw and catch the ball with a partner. Each step takes as long as the phobic needs, as every individual overcomes phobia at his own pace.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP assists the phobic by re-programming her reality to stop recognizing a safe situation as a threat. The therapy harnesses the power of the phobic's imagination to reconstruct her experience involving her fear of a baseball. The anxiety-filled experience is replaced with a positive and healthy experience. A therapist assists the phobic with the re-programming in a series of sessions. The technique was developed after studying the five major modalities of human experience: auditory, kinesthetic (feelings,) visual, olfactory and gustatory. By reshaping the specific experiences that formed a phobia, the therapist creates new experiences.
Energy Psychology
Energy psychology is founded on the same principles of other energy healing methods, such as acupressure and reiki. The therapy relies on the effect of energy meridians that travel in predictable patterns throughout the body. By applying a tap to specific points on the body during a talk therapy session, a therapist releases blocked energy that is causing the baseball fear. Various techniques inside the practice of energy psychology are used according to the phobic's complaint. For example, neuro-emotional techniques are used for severe trauma and thought field therapy techniques are used for phobias.
Support From Outside
Overcoming phobias and fears requires support from family and friends. The gentle encouragement of a friend is priceless when embarking on the first step to facing a fear; the same is true for pursuing therapy for severe baseball phobia. Other means of help come in a game of catch or joining a group of supportive friends at a baseball game.