How to Leave Reality for a Split Second
Find a quiet and comfortable place in your house to sit down. Find a similar place at work or in the library if you are not at home. Use noise-reducing headphones if you are unable to find a quiet place to sit and concentrate.
Begin breathing in deeply as you close your eyes and clear your mind. Completely fill your lungs with air, and push it out slowly and fully. Focus your mind on something neutral, such as a white wall or black space, to clear it completely.
Notice the world around you start to become quiet and less distracting as you continue to breathe in and out. Continue to breathe this way until you can no longer hear outside distractions or noises.
Start to think of a place you have always wanted to see, such as a beach or the Eiffel Tower. Picture yourself standing there, looking at the waves crash on the beach and smelling the salty air. See the huge tower as you look up into the sky. Mimic the motions in your mind physically for the full effect of leaving reality.
Continue to breathe deeply and think about your soothing scenario. Picture every detail and try to see, hear, taste and smell the images. Breathe and imagine until you can no longer hear or feel the real world around you but are instead engulfed in the world of your imagination.
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