How to Maintain Focus in Spite of Disruptions
Find a quiet space to work in. Starting in a quieter place that is free from distractions can help prevent a myriad of disruptions. Quiet places include your home office or bedroom, an isolated corner of the library or an empty conference room at the office.
Remove as many distractions as you can. This would include your cell phone, radio or music player, television and snacks. Keep only what you absolutely need in your workspace to prevent disruptions while you are focusing.
Take periodic breaks when you begin to lose focus or notice distractions. Long periods of working without a break can lead to fatigue, which will enhance disruptions around you. Stand up, stretch your legs and take a few deep breaths. You can also take a walk or quick stroll during your lunch break to recharge and refocus.
Ask people to respect your work space or hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. This may not prevent all disruptions, but people will be more likely to respect your request if you are vocal or visual about it.
Use noise-reducing headphones if you work in a large office and your boss will allow it. This is helpful if people do not respect your requests for quiet. Ask your boss or supervisor for a different desk or office if you find yourself distracted by people or things in your current area. Get a babysitter if you work from home to prevent disruptions from your children.
Keep a "To Do" list and check off items as you complete them. Disruptions can cause you to forget your task at hand and the list will redirect your focus back to work and your goals.