How to Help People With Psychological Issues
Accept a person with psychological issues just the way they are. People who have psychological issues want to feel accepted by their family and friends.
Talk to the person with psychological issues. Express concern and sympathy by asking questions. Be an active listener by getting involved in the conversation.
Treat the person with psychological issues with respect. It is important not to belittle someone. You should not use the words "psycho" or "crazy" in the presence of someone with psychological issues.
Encourage the person with psychological issues to seek help. This can be done without offending anyone if you behave like a concerned friend.
Accompany your friend with psychological issues to doctor appointments or to pick up prescription medications.
Call for help if you feel the person with psychological issues needs immediate attention. You should be able to recognize signs of suicide. Sometimes people on medication have horrible unseen side effects and need prompt help from a doctor.