How to Soothe the Mind
Isolate yourself, even if just for a few minutes. It can be hard to soothe your mind and relax when the kids are screaming in the background or five different people are approaching you at work in need of papers, signatures and more. Find a quiet, empty space where you can be for a few minutes while you regain control of your tranquility. This could be a closet, staircase, bathroom or your car.
Close your eyes and focus on nothing. This is harder than it seems because when you close your eyes, you may automatically picture that big project due tomorrow or 10 different tasks you didn't get to that day. Literally picture a black space and fill it with nothingness.
Take very slow, very deep breaths in and out. Breathe all the way to your diaphragm and slowly expand it and release. When you let the air out, do so very slowly. Breathe in your nose and out through your mouth. Engage in this kind of deep breathing for the entire time that your eyes are closed. It may seem odd at first, but after a few minutes you won't even notice you're still doing it.
Continue with your eyes closed, with no focal point and the deep breathing for several minutes or until you feel completely calm. This not only soothes your mind, but helps to restore your spirit so that you feel you can tackle other issues in your life. Repeat as needed throughout the day, so as not to overstress your mind.