How to Treat Attention Deficit

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment requires an individualized plan to help manage the symptoms. ADHD starts during childhood and can remain present throughout adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and difficulty managing behaviors. Three subtypes of ADHD include predominantly hyperactive type, predominantly inattentive type or a combination of hyperactivity and inattentiveness. Treatments assist in relieving symptoms but do not cure ADHD. Treatment helps most people with ADHD lead productive lives. Parents of children with ADHD can learn strategies to help children learn to manage their behaviors and complete school work. Adults with ADHD benefit from treatment as well, as symptoms can interfere with tasks such as paying bills and remembering appointments.


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      Consult with a primary care physician to discuss medication options. Request a referral to a psychiatrist, a specialist in psychiatric medications, for ongoing medication management. ADHD medications may require ongoing adjustments to the dosage over time. Medications also may cause side effects and require monitoring.

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      Consult with a psychotherapist. Psychotherapists assist parents with learning specific behavioral management strategies to help children manage symptoms of ADHD. Children with ADHD may benefit from targeted incentive programs, chore charts and limited video game, television and computer time. Psychotherapists also help adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD learn organizational strategies and time management techniques that can assist with employment, college and household tasks.

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      Reduce environmental distractions. For children, meet with school staff to implement strategies to reduce distractions in the child's classroom. School work modification may help some students who feel overwhelmed with their work. Discourage schools from removing recess privileges as this can provide a great outlet for these children's energy and can help reduce symptoms. For adults, create a work environment with few distractions to aid concentration and productivity.

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      Divide large jobs into smaller tasks. Approaching a large job one step at a time creates a more manageable job. Completing a small task provides a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue to the next step.

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      Develop a daily routine and try to keep the structure the same each day. Track appointments with a calendar and write lists to help remember tasks. Include frequent breaks as part of the routine to help aid focus and concentration.

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