How to Overcome Short Term Memory Loss
Get organized. A lack of organization will make coping with short-term memory loss far more difficult than it needs to be. Implement a planning system that works for you and plan each day the night before. By writing out a schedule for each day, you'll have something to refer to if necessary. Since those who suffer from short-term memory loss often have problems remembering where things are put, it can also be helpful to lay out important items such as clothes, toiletries and paperwork in highly visible areas.
Simplify your life. Taking on too many things at once is difficult even for those who don't have short-term memory loss, and failure can be very discouraging. Start by taking on one simple task at a time; you can increase your task-load as you become more familiar with how short-term memory loss affects you. By taking things slow, you can build up your ability to get things done without suffering from failures in the process.
Get into a routine. Human beings are creatures of habit and routine can mean a world of difference for those with a disability such as short-term memory loss. Structure your days to be similar to one another; this can include following a steady work and sleep schedule or going to and from the same places each day at the same times. Once you have a steady routine in place, each day will feel more familiar, allowing you to combat the negative effects of short-term memory loss.
Stick to a proper sleep schedule. Sleep is extremely important in regards to your mind's ability to function properly, and sleep deprivation will only add to the difficulty of dealing with short-term memory loss. Strive to maintain at least eight hours of sleep each night, ideally beginning and ending at the same times on a regular basis.
Maintain a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is essential to brain health, and can assist in your ability to cope with short-term memory loss. Eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. In addition, you can add supplements to your diet such as fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and promotes proper brain function.