Journals About Youth Violence
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Sage Publications puts out this journal, which is an often-used resource for academia and researchers. Professionals in a variety of fields provide evidence-based research on the topic of Youth Violence. It publishes four times per year, with individual subscriptions and institutional subscriptions available.
Journal of School Violence
This journal, edited by Michael Furlong, publishes four times per year. Articles are available via PsychInfo and other citation indexes. Previous editions are available for purchase at the journal's website. Public or college libraries generally subscribe to the PsychInfo database, which makes it more affordable to students and others who hold a card to the subscribing college's library.
National Institute of Justice
The National Institute of Justice is an agency under the United States Department of Justice. The NIJ is responsible for providing evidence-based research and evaluation tools to entities at the state and local levels of service providers. A search of their website using the keywords "Youth Violence" will bring up several publications that utilize evidence-based techniques to tackle the problem of youth violence.
Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General
The Surgeon General's office is responsible for collecting the most up-to-date, reliable information available on an array of issues that affect health. Their reports increase awareness of researchers, health providers, and the general public alike. Their report on Youth Violence offers six chapters that include the scope of the problem, risk factors that play into it, and prevention strategies.