How to Apply for Mental Disability Checks for Children
Things You'll Need
- SSA contact information
- Child's social security number
- Family income sources
- Child's school and medical history
Contact the Social Security Administration to find out if the child qualifies for SSI benefits. The SSA will ask for the child's income and the resources of their household. As of January 2011, a child must not have a job or earn more than $1,000 monthly. The total household income must not exceed the current SSA guidelines.
Complete a Child Disability Report, the SSA online application for children with disabilities. The report will ask for the child's Social Security number, and the names and addresses of all schools the child has attended for the previous 12 months. The complete medical history of the child, including the medical facilities she has visited or tests she has received, are part of the application process. Parents or caregivers sign a form allowing the SSA access to school and medical records before submitting the application to the SSA.
Take the child for medical testing. If the SSA is unable to qualify or disqualify the child's disability using the school and medical records, the state SSA office will schedule additional medical examinations. The SSA will pay for any government requested examinations.
Wait to receive the first SSI payment. The SSA application process takes three to five months to complete. If the child is eligible to receive SSI payments, the state SSA office will administer monthly payments.
Complete periodic reviews. After the child begins receiving SSI, the government requires occasional medical reviews. These reviews take place by the age of 1 for babies with low birth rates, and every three years for children with conditions that may improve.