Nursing Home Activities for the Mentally Challenged
Horticulture Activities
The American Horticultural Therapy Association promotes gardening activities for therapeutic purposes. Horticulture therapy activities are positive for mentally challenged individuals within nursing home environments due to the fact that the mentally challenged enjoy repetitive tasks and are hard, dependable workers. They enjoy working with their hands and having a task that needs them each day. According to the University of Florida Master Gardener Program, the history of using horticulture therapy as a treatment dates back 1798 when Dr. Benjamin Rush worked with mentally challenged patients. Horticulture therapy is recognized worldwide as an activity effective in improving physical, social, cognitive and psychological outcomes.
Recreational Activities
Take mentally challenged individuals on picnics and kite flying adventures. Recreational activities for the mentally challenged provide opportunities for the individuals to interact with others, to become more physically fit and to enjoy their free time. Proper recreational activities will vary according to the needs of each individual. Recreational activities such as, drawing, games, dancing, craft work and sports or music provide emotional, physical and psychological development. It is important to have a proper balance of indoor and outdoor activities. Thinking creatively and providing for all of the senses to be stimulated is the key when planning an activity. Provide opportunities to nurture their creative abilities and to show them the world from new perspectives.
Special Group Activities
Red Hat Society is a social club for ladies over 50. Aside from the recreational activities, special group activities play an important role in the lives of the mentally challenged within nursing home environments. Seniors, Red Hat Society members, those involved in a Bible study group, scrapbooking groups or other groups that are organized within the nursing home can be led by a staff member of the nursing home or approved volunteer. Special group activities and meetings help the mentally challenged to know they are an important part of the world outside of the nursing home.