How to Function Well With Mental Illness
Things You'll Need
- Journal
Its very important to take your medications as prescribed. Accept the fact that you have a mental health condition. It may be tough, but managing a mental illness requires first accepting its existence. Most people go through a period of denial about mental illness, and some think that once the initial episode is over, the condition will never return. This is usually untrue.
Ask your doctor for information about your particular diagnosis, and talk to professionals like therapists and doctors. Another part of acceptance is for you to keep regular appointments with your doctor and to take your medication as prescribed.
Reduce stress, as mental, physical and emotional stress is one of the leading causes of many diseases. Embrace people who make you feel good about yourself, and gradually let go of people who make you feel bad.
Avoid drinking alcohol, which can actually make you more stressed. Take a walk or do a few minutes of yoga each day, as exercise plays a great role in stress reduction. The important thing is that you move your body.
Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings. Put your bothersome thoughts and feelings on the page. There, they have a place to exist outside your mind, which may make you feel less stressed.
Eat healthy foods and drink green tea. A well-balanced diet filled with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats like omega-3 and lean protein is important for mental health and wellness in general, according to WebMD. Omega 3 fatty acids in fish may have a positive affect on patients with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression, according to a study done by The British Journal of Nutrition has published studies showing that drinking green tea improves a person's mood.
Monitor and control your thoughts, feelings and words. Thoughts are powerful things, and they have a great impact on how you feel emotionally. Use your journal to record your thoughts and feelings. Some feelings may be negative, such as, "I am a loser." When you write things like, that take a moment to write the positive version of the statement. Think about your good qualities, like your willingness to overcome and/or manage your disorder. Associate positive feelings with that thought.
Dwell on positive thoughts and feelings. Repeat this process over and over, always replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Over time, you will get better at this process, and your goal is to eventually think positively most of the time. Use your imagination and picture yourself living a healthy and happy life. Be patient with yourself and practice.
Rest frequently because, according to, sleep deprivation may cause hallucinations and mood swings. Sleep also helps you to maintain good emotional balance.