How to Deal With a Gambling Problem
Write down the signs and symptoms of how the gambling has become a problem or addiction. Ask those who are closest to you, who will have observed changes in your behavior. Have you behaved in a secretive way, concealing the fact that you have been gambling or trying to hide your wins and losses?
Be honest with yourself, and write down the times you have lied to others about your gambling. Has it been difficult to control your gambling? Perhaps you can't stop and walk away, regardless of whether you've won or lost.
Write down the times you have gambled when you couldn't afford to. Having no money but gambling anyway is a key sign of having a gambling problem. Check with your loved ones and those closest to you if they have been worried about you.
Find a local or national problem gambling support line telephone number, and speak to an adviser there. Ask your local medical center or hospital, or do an Internet search using "gambling support telephone number." This may be your first point of contact with someone who can understand your addiction and help you to make steps toward getting it under control.
Write down the times you become stressed and the triggers that provoke stress and anxiety. Write a list of healthy ways to deal with this, instead of gambling. Try meditation and breathing techniques, walking your dog, calling a friend, joining a cooking class ... the list is endless.
Call on the company of other people as much as possible. Having positive people in your life will provide an uplifting diversion from the compulsion to gamble.
Speak to your doctor about a referral to a therapist who specializes in addictions treatment or to a cognitive behavioral therapist, who will help you to use rational and positive thoughts to overcome the urge to gamble.
Look up a Gamblers Anonymous group in your area, and contact them before attending one of their meetings. Ask to meet with the group facilitator beforehand to help you feel at ease before you join the group meeting. Having the support of other people is a useful and effective way of overcoming addiction, and the group can support each individual member to find new social activities that are enjoyable, keeping the craving to gamble at bay.
Organize your finances with your spouse, a family member or someone close to you. This is an important way of making sure that you stay in recovery.
Avoid places where you may be tempted to gamble, and keep yourself busy with pastimes and activities that do not pose a risk of you relapsing.