Resources for Chemical Dependency
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a free support group for men and women who want to stop drinking and bring normalcy back into their life. They are not affiliated with any religion or organization. With this support system, alcoholics can build relationships that are necessary to build strength as they kick their habit. Through these groups, which are located in almost every city in the country, alcoholics can share their concerns and fears while taking necessary steps to walk away from alcoholism.
Al-Anon/ Alateen
Al-Anon and Alateen provide help and support to the family members of an alcoholic. In supportive atmosphere, Al-Anon members offer hope and strength to family members who are affected by the actions of alcohol addicts. Find like-minded people who you can share your fears and frustrations with and who know exactly what you're going through--- because they've been there themselves.
Sober Recovery Online
Sober Recovery is an online resource for those struggling with chemical dependency as well as other addictive disorders. On this website, you can find links to treatment and recovery centers, information about addiction and special programs designed to aid those caught in the web of addiction. Chemical dependents can even find treatments that are tailor-made for them whether they are a troubled teenager, woman or man and provide resources for all kinds of chemical addictions like cocaine, heroin, crack and alcohol.