Tips on Behavior Problems With Teenagers
Give Them Boundaries
Teenagers crave boundaries. They will be less likely to make as many mistakes as they would if parents just let them do what they want at any given time. Strict rules will only make them rebel, so agree on a set of rules that both parties can live with that include household chores, curfew times and dating rules.
Choose You Battles
In the name of rebellion, and finding their own place in the world, teenagers will want to do some crazy things. Kids Health suggests letting them do the small things so that the big things will not be such a struggle when they hear the word "no." Let them wear that crazy outfit or get a Mohawk, so that you can say no to the lip piercing later!
Put Yourself In Their Shoes
Everyone has been a teenager at some point in their lives. Think back to those years when dealing with teenagers. Chances are the same problems arose at some point. Deal with them as a parent who understands. Tell teenagers the risks of having sex, taking drugs and running away. Tell them from the point of view of someone who has been there before. Show them some photos from teenage years that should have been burned, so they can see the resemblances.
Drug Abuse
Know the signs. If the child has mood swings, lashes out more, does not seem to care about life or rules anymore, or looks to be sickly often, these can be signs of drug abuse, according to the website Teens With Problems. Talk to them. Get them professional help immediately. Even if they are abusing a prescription drug of their own they need help.