Positive Thinking Games
Writing a personal eulogy focuses on achievements. While it may seem morbid to write a personal eulogy, this activity is often used to draw attention to a person's strengths. Taking the time to think through achievements, successes, accomplishments, good traits and qualities helps a person focus on the positive aspects of her life. This activity is not about the morbidity of death but of the vibrance of life.
Group Affirmation
One group member expresses an opinion that can be opposed but this game is the opposite of debating. Instead of trying to refute the opinion, the group reinforces and enhances the opinion. The person offering an opinion will feel supported, valued and that others are listening. The rest of the group changes any rebuttals to positive reinforcements.
Compliment Circle
Gather a group in a circle. One person should start and compliment the person to his left. Continue around the circle as many times as desired. This game can be done many times with people in different positions in the circle.
Will Power
This game can be alone or with others. Say out loud things that will be done. Focus on changing thoughts of self-doubt and discouragement. For example, if making friends is difficult, repeat positive affirmations that will lead to small achievements like saying, "Hi" to unfamiliar people. Replace, "It won't happen," with "It will happen."