How do I Find a Psychiatrist in New York?
Ask around your network for references. Find friends, family members, co workers or doctors that you know and trust for this type of suggestion. Make sure that they are from New York and ask if they know of any psychiatrists in your area whom they consider trustworthy. This way, you'll know more of what you're getting yourself into when making appointments with a given psychiatrist, and you'll have references from others to help you know what to expect.
Contact institutions or associations in New York that focus on psychiatry and provide a network of support for patients and psychiatrists. They will know psychiatrists in your area who would be willing to help you. Try the New York State Psychiatric Institute, the New York State Psychiatric Association or the New York State Office of Mental Health (see resources).
Use online directories that focus on providing lists of psychiatrists in New York. Depending on the site you go to, there may even be feedback from patients about the doctors to help you make a decision. Online directories include UCompare Health Care and Health Grades (see references).