How to Release Anxiety and Alleviate Depression
Anxiety and depression are not the same disorder, but they are often linked. Depression is characterized by a lowering of the mood that may be accompanied by a range of symptoms, including a sense of hopelessness, low self-esteem, low motivation, lack of energy and sleeping problems. Anxiety often manifests itself in physical symptoms, such as palpitations, restlessness and psychosomatic symptoms like tension headaches and stomach upset. There are a many measures a person may take to help herself, though it is often advisable also to get professional help.Instructions
Seek medical assistance if your mental state is interfering with your normal activities. Look at your lifestyle and change aspects that may be exacerbating the problem. These may include late nights, too much alcohol, irregular meals or too much junk food.
Consider any obvious stressors in your life. If your role at work has changed, consider any available support mechanisms, such as time-management courses or flexible working arrangements. Finish work for the day at a reasonable hour and make time for leisure activities.
Learn relaxation techniques You should practice these every day. Learn yoga and explore other options, such as meditation.
Exercise every day, as physical activity releases endorphins that improve mood. Practice positive thinking and avoid dwelling on what you see as your failures.