How to Get Certified As an ADHD Coach
Some adults with ADHD. consult a coach to help them maintain organization in the workplace and in their personal lives.
Things You'll Need
- Business cards
Complete a training course. There are no national associations that offer a universal certification or exam to become a coach for those with ADHD. Instead, several reputable companies offer private courses and issue their own certifications. Some of these companies have been offering their services for about a decade, which is a substantial period, considering that ADHD. was not an illness that was commonly known among the general public until the mid 1990s. Many of these coach-training companies belong to the Professional Association of ADHD coaches or seek credentialing through the International Coach Federation (ICF), and you may want to enroll in courses by companies who are affiliated with these groups.
Intern with a psychologist or with a practicing ADHD coach. Before opening your own consulting business, seek internships with professionals who work with ADHD clients. Not everyone with the disorder suffers from the same symptoms. What is learned in the classroom should be supplemented with a real-world practicum. You many also want to attend professional coaching conferences.
Register your services on several online databases. The ADHD Coaches Organization website lists coaches available by state.
Advertise your services to guidance counselors and therapists at colleges in your area. These professionals can pass along your contact information to students looking to gain more control over their academics.
Create a partnership with employment agencies in town. They may allow you to provide lectures and workshops that cater to potential employees who suffering form the disorder.