Difficulties Experienced by Handicapped People
Many types of employment can pose difficulties for handicapped people. According to the website depression-help-for-you.com, around 12 million of all 17 million handicapped people in the United States are unemployed. Although the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employers from discriminating against handicapped people, the fact is that even qualified and able handicapped people sometimes do not get the job because of their conditions. The degree of difficulty surrounding employment varies among individuals, depending on their condition. Certain jobs may be dangerous for people with certain disabilities. For example, the job of a city bus driver is not suited to a hearing-impaired person.
Discrimination against handicapped people can occur in nearly any situation, including the workplace, public spaces, school, and even in one’s own home. Many people feel uncomfortable around those who are different, and handicapped people are often wrongfully placed into this category. Many handicapped children experience teasing, name-calling, staring, threats, and other forms of discrimination growing up and in school. Often this discrimination comes from very young children who don’t know any better, but adults too can be guilty of discrimination against handicapped individuals as well.
Physical Challenges
The American government and society as a whole have made great strides to make life easier for handicapped individuals by enforcing strict accessibility building codes and other laws. The fact is, however, that being handicapped can present a wide range of physical challenges that many non-handicapped people often take for granted. Simple things like driving, getting in and out of a car, buying groceries, and even feeding oneself may present difficulties to certain handicapped people, depending on the disability. Many handicapped people are unable to enjoy the many pleasures of life such as listening to a concert, enjoying a painting, dancing, or laughing, due to their disability.