How College Affects Students With ADHD
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 4 percent of adults ages 18 through 44 suffer from ADHD. Although children often suffer from ADHD at an early age, the symptoms continue as they grow into adulthood. After getting into a college, ADHD students may have to deal with several learning obstacles as they continue their education. According to the National Resource Center on ADHD, the requires schools to offer special accommodations to individuals with mental learning disabilities, including those with ADHD.
The challenges that ADHD college student face include "reduced accountability, minimal structure, fewer assignments, increased social distractions, less defined rules, success falls to the individual, and less family support," explains Dr. Richard Seiznick, a school psychologist. Universities and colleges often place the responsibility for learning on students, which makes getting through college more difficult for those diagnosed with ADHD. Students must learn to overcome the challenges by seeking help from the school counseling services or by consulting a therapist.
According to ADHD Resources, students with ADHD may experience difficulty organizing their assignments and school activities. They may also struggle with time management, which may interfere with meeting project deadlines. Lack of social skills, including effective listening. may inhibit them from meeting new people. ADHS student also may experience difficulty focusing on any given task, which leads to poor concentration during class. These issues may interfere with a student's overall academic progress.
Several misconceptions exist about ADHD college students. Although many people regard ADHD as an "excuse" rather than a learning disability, therapists conclude that ADHD is caused by chemical imbalances, which can be corrected using medication. A common misconception is that teachers can correct behavioral problems of ADHD students. Discipline does not correct ADHD issues unless professional therapists treat the problem. Another misconception is that ADHD is not diagnosable in adults. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there is a general diagnosis for ADHD.
Treating ADHD can reduce its negative effects during college. Schools offer free tutoring and learning services to help prepare ADHD students to focus on school-related tasks. Some students prefer to receive one-on-one coaching services to adapt better to the college environment. According to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, adults diagnosed with ADHD can receive medication such as Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Adderall. Cognitive and behavioral therapy programs can serve as another option.