Christian Counseling & Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Knowing What Generalized Anxiety Disorder Is
The National Institute of Mental Health defines generalized anxiety disorder as "an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it." The disorder may include anxiety attacks (also known as "panic" attacks) which are characterized by many physical symptoms including sweating, dizziness, stomach problems and chest pain to name a few.
Causes of GAD
Anxiety disorders can be the result of family background (critical parents or unrealistic expectations); childhood trauma such as abuse or losing a parent or loved one at a young age; genetic makeup; and major stress such as that caused by a wedding, a divorce, a recent death or illness in the family, job change or financial problems; drug and alcohol abuse; a person's attitudes about themselves and God; and a lack of purpose and meaning in life.
Standard Treatment of GAD
Counseling for someone with GAD is typically focused on changing many of the behavior patterns associated with anxiety. This is called cognitive therapy. For example, a qualified therapist can help individuals to change their thought patterns. A Christian therapist may use scripture (Bible verses) to help do this. Anxiety can be caused by high levels of stress, so a counselor may help their client to learn new relaxation techniques such as prayer or meditation. Cognitive therapy also helps people to identify their triggers.
Many anxiety sufferers are actually more afraid of the panic attacks then they are of the actual thing that is triggering it. One type of therapy is known as "vivo exposure" in which a panic attack is broken down into steps that are more manageable for the sufferer.
In some instances, medication may be needed to help fight anxiety. Since anxiety and depression often go hand-in-hand, an antidepressant may be prescribed along with an anti-anxiety drug. This, along with therapy, can make anxiety disorders manageable.
Because medication and certain therapies may be necessary, it is important to find either a psychiatrist or a doctorate or masters degree-level psychologist, social worker or counselor to help you.
The Purpose of Christian Counseling
Christian counseling is designed to help people cope with situations by seeking God's grace, insight and intervention in their lives. Christian counseling is Christ-centered and looks to the lifestyle and teachings of Jesus as its primary guide. It seeks to heal the human mind, body and soul.
A Christian Perspective in GAD Treatment
Christian counseling helps people to see themselves and their diagnosis from a biblical perspective. Christian counseling teaches that true peace comes from God, so knowing God better will help a sufferer cope with their fears. Since community and peer support is so important for those struggling with GAD, Christian counseling encourages people to attend church regularly to gain a sense of community. Christian counselors also use scripture to encourage clients and help them to change their view of themselves and the world by learning the Bible and taking it to heart. Prayer is also emphasized and can be used as part of relaxation techniques.