Herbs & Vitamins for Depression & Anxiety
Herbal Treatment for Anxiety
The University of Maryland Medical Center has compiled research on the effectiveness of herbal treatments for anxiety. Three of the most popular herbs used to treat anxiety are valerian, passionflower and kava kava. Due to the potential of these herbs to negatively interact with medications you may be taking for your anxiety, University of Maryland doctors suggest consulting with your healthcare provider before taking them. Kava kava has been shown to cause liver damage, prompting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning about it, according to Dr. Hall-Flavin at Mayo. Valerian and passionflower have fewer side effects. Other herbs that are thought to provide calm are ginger chamomile, and licorice.
Vitamins for Anxiety
The University of Michigan Health System reports on the efficacy of various vitamins for the treatment of anxiety. In particular, they note that a multivitamin-mineral supplement provided anxiety relief in one study, while niacin, a form of Vitamin B3, showed promise in another.
Herbal Treatment for Depression
One of the most popular herbs used for the treatment of depression is St. John's Wort. Used widely in Europe, it is labeled as a dietary supplement in the United States. Mayo Clinic staff note that it has shown some effectiveness in treating mild to moderate depression. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that success has been seen in treating depression, as well as anxiety, with the herb lavender. Using its oil in massage has shown the ability to improve mood, increase mental capacity, and reduce anxiety.
Vitamins for Depression
The B-complex group of vitamins have received attention in relation to fighting depression. The University of Maryland Medical Center points out that Vitamin's B6, B9, and B12 show promise, but no solid evidence exists to support their impact on relieving depression. Vitamin D has been shown to improve the mood of those suffering from seasonal affect disorder, a form of depression that occurs primarily in winter, due to lack of sunlight.