Games for the Mentally Challenged
Indoor Games
Indoor games for the mentally challenged should be informal and require imaginative play. Coloring books with big pictures teach the mentally challenged to identify pictures and colors. Magnetic maze toys are fun, especially with the different shape and colors they come into. Things made from Popsicle sticks, putting jigsaw puzzles together and creating items from molding clay or Play-Doh are good indoor games. Flash cards and other card games are also helpful.
Outdoor Games
Games that promote social interaction should be a goal when choosing outdoor games for the mentally challenged. They can join in races such as a sack race or an obstacle race. They can also participate in physical sports such as basketball, soccer, football and even golf. Being mentally challenged does not mean that a person cannot participate in sports activities. They have shown that they can excel in such physical games.
Online Games
Many online games are also suitable for the mentally challenged. Games help the mentally challenge learn how to read, write and interact. People are skeptical about virtual games, but online games stimulate the brain. Although tangible flash cards are recommended, virtual flash cards are also fun. Not only will a person with a mentally disability enjoy the pictures on the screen, but he will learn how to use the computer as well. Computer games that have a one-switch control make it easy for the person in the condition to get used to having one control with the game on screen,
Have Fun
Games should encourage a mentally challenged person to interact, to develop a more positive attitude and make them comfortable when interacting with others. Seeing how people appreciate their efforts can lessen any feelings of negativity on their part.