What Is an Ideomotor Response?
Hypnotherapists use this response for therapeutic purposes by testing verbal answers against unconscious motions. Stage performers may employ it for entertainment value.
The basic method, notes C. Roy Hunter, is to place a person into a hypnotic state and ask the subconscious to use basic motions, such as finger movement, to convey affirmation or negation to questions.
Physical Responses
While finger movements are standard, the ideomotor response may manifest in some other form such as an increase in breathing rates. It should be noted that ideomotor movements can be hidden by other motions.
Ideomotor responses can be valuable in helping to establish the roots of psychological issue or an appropriate course of treatment.
Due to the suggestible state that hypnosis places a person into, an unethical or unskilled hypnotist can elicit untrue responses by projecting expectations onto the client, reports C. Roy Hunter.