How to Treat Extreme Irritability
The most common cause of extreme irritability is stress. Whether you're working a full time job and holding down a household, juggling school and work, or just have too much on your plate, taking time out to prioritize and relax is a must. When you find yourself irritable take a moment away from your task to close your eyes and breathe in slowly for the count of five then let it out while counting to ten. Do this until you feel calmer, more relaxed, and focused. A long-term fix for stress is letting go of things that aren't truly necessary and following a daily exercise program such as yoga or meditation.
PMS is another cause of irritability and it can be quite extreme for some ladies, often to the point that the entire household is disrupted, relationships are endangered, and work can become impossible to deal with. Supplements such as calcium and magnesium have been shown to reduce mood swings and promote relaxation, while the herb chaste tree berry can help with irritability and depression. Reducing your intake of salt, sugar, and caffeine may also reduce severe mood fluctuations.
Those who suffer from bipolar disorder may experience extreme bouts of irritability that they can't seem to control even through herbal supplements, relaxation, stress management or exercise. If you suspect you may be manic-depressive, the best thing to do is consult with a mental health care professional. Counseling may be prescribed, along with drugs such as lithium or lamotrigene to help stabilize your mood and reduce anger and depression.
The key is listening to your body and discovering the true cause of your extreme irritability. Proper nutrition and stress reduction can benefit everyone. However, without learning how to control your temper you may run the risk of pushing away those who care about you, perhaps losing your job, and continually riding an emotional roller coaster rather than enjoying life.