Memory Loss & Nutrition
Memory Boosting Foods
This is a meal your brain will love. Eating a balanced diet is a good idea for overall health. A diet rich in whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables, egg yolks, dairy, nuts, fish and liver can be especially beneficial for combating memory loss.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin E improves brain function. Toxins, disease and poor nerve connections rob us of memories and prevent us from making new ones. Every vitamin from A to E benefits some part of the brain: Vitamin A eradicates harmful toxins; folic acid reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease; and vitamin B6 improves nerve connections. Iron, zinc and selenium all improve concentration.
Healthy Fats
Nuts have the right kind of fat to protect the brain against disease. Our brains are made up of roughly 60 percent fat and should be nourished with monounsaturated and non-hydrogenated fats. Olive and canola oil, salmon and tuna, and nuts are all good sources of "good" fats that protect our brains from memory-destroying diseases such as dementia.
Fruits and Vegetables
Blueberries are brain boosters. All fruits and vegetables are memory boosters. But if prizes were given out, blueberries and leafy greens would share first place. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements, and leafy greens are rich in folate. These nutrients are essential for fighting disease and maintaining a healthy brain.
Alcohol and Juice
Moderate alcohol consumers show better results on cognitive function tests International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia researchers found that older adults who are regular juice drinkers--at least three servings per week--and consume moderate amounts of alcohol--one to two drinks per day--showed a 75 percent reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.