How to Care for Loved Ones With Anxiety & Depression
Take care of yourself. Research conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies indicates that caregivers tend to be in worse health than the rest of the population. When you are in the position of being a caregiver, it is much like being on an airplane when the cabin loses pressure. You must first put the oxygen mask on yourself, or you will be unable to assist others. Be sure to take time for yourself when you are not focusing on the person with anxiety and depression.
Make sure that your loved one with anxiety and depression is receiving proper medical treatment. Some seemingly intractable cases of anxiety and depression can be alleviated with a course of antidepressants or a short-term tranquilizer. This also provides you, the caregiver, with a source of medical support to turn to if the anxiety or depression becomes worse.
Find a caregiver support group. While talking to friends and family about your experiences taking care of your loved one can be beneficial, it helps to have conversations with individuals who are going through very similar life circumstances. A good online support group for caregivers is The Family Caregiver Forum.
Learn all that you can about anxiety and depression. Knowing what to expect can make your role easier. The National Institute of Mental Health has a variety of information about all kinds of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.
Don't blame yourself for not being able to "fix" the person's problem with anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression generally do not come on suddenly, and depending on the type of treatment, they can take a while to go away. Some individuals may always struggle with anxiety or depression to some degree in their lives.
Recognize that you may have feelings of frustration or anger due to your inability to help your loved one get better quickly. This is another reason why a support group can be helpful. Do not blame yourself for these feelings, as they are normal.