Cures for Narcissistic Disorder
Desiring Change
To cure yourself of your narcissism, you must first be willing to face your demons; this is never an easy task. Narcissists are arrogant, jealous, controlling and exploitative. They feel entitled and elevate their self-esteem by destroying that of others. Realizing that you embody these traits is certain to clash with the ideal image you have created of yourself. However, by realizing that narcissism is a mental disorder, one that causes you to act in a manner that not only hurts yourself but others as well, you can develop the motivation to change. The desire for change has to come from within; changing only for someone else often brings short-term success. By accepting your weakness as a part of your humanity, a desire for change will follow. Before seeking help, know that while in recovery, you may falter, but your desire to change will motivate you to keep trying.
Dynamic Psychotherapy
According to America's Mental Health Channel, the earlier you receive therapeutic intervention for your narcissism, the better your outcome will be. During psychodynamic therapy, the therapist makes a pact with you, stating that you are willing to explore your problems for as long as necessary. This method creates a more relaxed atmosphere because the therapist is willing to work with you regardless of how long it takes to resolve your issue.
Expressive therapy is used to unveil your conflicts. For example, narcissists tend to be extremely insecure; however, they shield this insecurity by acting superior to others. Talk therapy methods such as expressive therapy encourage you to acknowledge the root of your insecurity. Narcissists also have fragile egos, which they camouflage with arrogance. Supportive therapy helps to strengthen your ego so you learn how to cope with internal and external pressures. Therapy can teach you how to build your own self-esteem so the need to shred others' becomes unnecessary. Once you are truly confident within yourself, you begin to love yourself, and others.
Medications are often used in combination with therapy and counseling. Although medications, such as antidepressants, will not cure your narcissism, they can help to stabilize your fluctuating moods and any associated depression. If you take medications, a physician should monitor you closely and you should report any worsening symptoms to him.
Respecting Others
You must learn to view other people as equals instead of beneath you. Narcissists feel superior and justified in all their actions, regardless of how it hurts another. By understanding that other people have thoughts, needs and feelings, you can learn to respect others and command their respect in return.
The success rate of defeating narcissism largely depends on the individual. No amount of therapy or medication can resolve the problem if your desire for change is not sustained.