Anger & Jaw Pain
Anger can cause jaw clenching, teeth grinding and muscle tension in the neck, back, shoulders or jaw, all of which can lead to jaw pain.
Other Causes
Approximately 35 million people suffer from Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders (TMJ), which can cause jaw pain. Bone or muscle problems in the neck can also cause jaw pain.
Doctors can diagnose the cause of jaw pain by evaluating the patient's medical history, symptoms and physical examination of the head, face, neck and jaw.
Medical Treatments
Doctors may recommend the patient sleep with a mouth guard, eat soft foods, apply ice or moist heat to the jaw, practice relaxation exercises and avoid singing, gum chewing or any other movement that may irritate the jaw.
Alternative Treatments
Acupuncture, chiropractic work and massage may help jaw pain, especially if the pain is related to anger and stress and not TMJ.