Mild Dyspraxia Symptoms
Symptoms in Childhood
Excitability, awkward movements, messy eating, difficulty pedaling a bike and avoiding construction toys such as blocks or jigsaw puzzles are possible indications of mild dyspraxia.
Symptoms in Adulthood
Poor balance, a clumsy walk, difficulty finding objects, bumping into things, poor visual perception and difficulty juggling multiple tasks or directions are common symptoms of dyspraxia in adults.
According to the Dyspraxia Foundation, approximately one in every 30 children worldwide struggle with dyspraxia. Boys are four times more likely to be impacted by the disorder.
Carefully prioritizing your tasks, breaking large projects into smaller chunks and taking physical fitness classes designed to improve your coordination and muscle strength can help manage milder symptoms.
Many people with dyspraxia are intelligent, determined and quite capable of managing their symptoms effectively. Daniel Radcliffe, the star of "Harry Potter," acknowledges suffering from mild dyspraxia.