How to Recognize the Symptoms of Anorexia
Looking for Symptoms
Look at the eating habits of teens. Many become overly concerned with calorie-counting and food labeling. Many teens will begin to refuse to eat in public and will often play with their food instead of consuming it.
Check the height-to-weight ratio of the teen-ager in question. Teens suffering from anorexia will have a body weight that is inconsistent with their height, build and age.
Look for signs of excessive exercise, food restriction and use of laxatives in daily life.
Talk to the person involved. See if any of the following are characteristic of the teen in question: Does he report heightened anxiety, especially around food? Does she report that she missed three consecutive menstrual periods? Is there evidence of a general weakness, shortness of breath or brittle skin?
Seek professional help if the above symptoms become apparent. Left untreated anorexia can lead to shrunken bones, mineral loss, low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, osteoporosis and even death.