Provigil Used for ADHD
Provigil is a recent addition to the drugs used to combat ADHD. It is different from all other ADHD medications because it is not Ritalin based. ADHD medications are numerous, ranging from Concerta to Adderal, but they all made using some variety of the stimulant Ritalin.
Provigil is not made with Ritalin, but a different stimulant named Modafinil. Many people have developed a tolerance to Ritalin, do not tolerate it well or suffer adverse side effects when taking it. Provigil is significant because it is an entirely new drug that these people can use to help treat ADD.
Provigil works in much the same way that other ADHD medications work, by promoting the release of the chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine into the brain. These chemicals increase alertness, attentiveness and focus. This is why it was originally used as a cure for sleep apnea and narcolepsy.
Because it releases dopamine into the brain and functions much the same way as a traditional stimulant, some studies have warned that it may lead to addiction and abuse. However, as of yet there is no conclusive evidence of this.
At least seven randomized clinical trials have tested the effectiveness of Provigil as an ADHD medication. Many of these trials have shown that it can be helpful in relieving some of the symptoms of ADHD. Patients who have taken Provigil report that they are able to stay focused longer, are more organized, have better executive functioning and are able to sit still longer.
Joseph Biederman, MD, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, was one of the lead investigators for two studies.
It is important to note that Provigil, like Ritalin or any other drug, does not cure ADHD. If you take Provigil, you may still have symptoms of ADHD after the pill wears off.
Provigil is a relativity new drug, so the long-term safety has yet to be determined. Like most ADHD Medications, Provigil does have some side effects, and the most common include, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, nausea, irritability and diarrhea.
It is important to note, that, though Provigil has been shown to cause the side effects, it is well tolerated the vast majority of the time. If you were to take it, you would probably not experience any of the above effects, and if you were to experience them, it would probably be only the most mild forms.
Provigil is an effective treatment for ADHD. But like all other drug treatments, it does not get to the root of the problem, but only treats the symptoms. If you wish to truly cure ADHD, it is recommended that you explore treatments such as Neurotherapy.
Neurotherapy is a computerized therapy aimed to train your brain to function normally. It may be a more expensive treatment option than Provigil or another type of ADHD medication. However there are no adverse side effects, and the treatment is far more effective, causing a complete cessation of all ADHD symptoms for around 80 percent of patients, according to the Behavioural Neurotherapy Clinic website.