Effexor Withdrawal Syndrome
Effexor is an antidepressant that can help with mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. It is commonly stronger as a depression drug, and typically isn't recommended for everyday anxiety, but only severe panic attacks. While Effexor can help many with mood disorders, including thoughts of suicide, those under 25 could experience a negative reaction to this medicine that should be monitored.
Side Effects
Side effects of Effexor use include a reduced appetite, headaches, sleepiness, lightheadedness, fatigue, nausea, constipation, weight loss, insomnia, sweating, nervousness and blurred vision. Notify your doctor immediately if you experience a persisting or worsening display of these symptoms. Young children have been known to experience weight gain after taking this drug, and older children and young adults have reported thoughts of suicide.
Ending Effexor use abruptly can result in symptoms such as dizziness, nervousness, headaches, sweating, nausea, sweating and electrical shock-like feelings. If left untreated, the symptoms can spiral into worsening situations.
To prevent a situation in which you may experience withdrawal, always make sure to keep your medication nearby. This could include keeping a pill case in your purse or pocket just in case you forget your dosage. In addition, don't wait until the last minute to schedule a refill, and always pack plenty of Effexor when you are leaving town for more than a day.
Missed Dosage
If you forget to take a dosage of Effexor, take another dose as soon as you remember but do not take a double dose. You often will be able to feel it when you miss a dose. Patients have described the presence of hives, a general feeling of uneasiness, sweating, digestive problems and more as a result of missing a dose.
Stopped Dosage
Under no circumstances should you stop taking Effexor abruptly. Instead, consult your doctor who can schedule a tapered withdrawaal and carefully monitor your reactions. Getting yourself off Effexor, even through a gradual manner, can be a difficult process. There is commonly a level of discomfort, and you must report any serious withdrawal symptoms to your doctor immediately.